Orison QEHS provides your company with complete indoor air quality investigation services supported by detailed documentation including the scope of work to tackle any identified IAQ hazard in Singapore. Our expertswill make certain that your indoor air quality is of a sufficient standard to ensure the adequate protection of your family and well being. This is particularly common in Singapore as we may spend 90% or more of their time indoors. Further, it is generally accepted that poor indoor air quality can result in health problems, which may carry a substantial health and cost burden.Some common sources, such as building materials, furnishings, and household products like air fresheners, release pollutants more or less continuously. Other sources, related to activities carried out in the home and offices release pollutants intermittently. High pollutant concentrations can remain in the air for long periods after some of these activitieshave been completed.
The issues of indoor air quality in Singapore such as mould, water damage, and other indoor contaminant issues can be complex. Poor indoor air quality in Singapore, mould, and damp building conditions has been associated to a variety of health symptoms and even disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that, “dampness has been suggested to be a strong, consistent indicator for the risk of asthma and respiratory symptoms. Children and elderly often experience higher exposures to environmental pollutants than others, and certain individuals may be more vulnerable to indoor contaminants because of age, nutrition, metabolism, exposure levels and existing diseases.